Saturday, November 01, 2008

First, I don't know what the deal is with the format here. I've tried correcting it, but the paragraphs just keep lining up like this, and not finishing words on the same line. Sorry. Please continue...

With the upcoming election, I felt it was appropriate to throw in something political. Kind of going off of what I wrote in my last post, about music and video, this is slideshow of photographs uses music and soundclips to provoke an emotional reaction. The chords used in harmony in the music spark a HOPEFUL and ENCOURAGING emotion. The voices and thoughts of Americans from different places, of different genders, ages, races, etc. express the basis of the Obama campaign: in essence, 'by the people, for the people'. One man states directly "We're organizing ourselves. The campaign helps us, they're there to help us. But we're organizing ourselves."  Albeit a slideshow about pumpkins, it does prove this point.  

At a time in this country where the majority of its citizens are fed up, sick and tired of the Bush administration, Obama, -however "experienced" or if he can/would be a "good president"- has truly brought hope to many Americans. He has inspired and reminded people that even though we have dealt with an administration that does whatever it wants (regardless if  "the people" approve or not) that YES WE CAN have a say in our government. I do not know if he will be a good president. We have learned from the American Bush experience that even many who voted for him (TWICE, no less) probably would have chosen otherwise if they could have seen our present day 4 and 8 years ago.

This political campaign is different than I have ever experienced in my lifetime, for more reasons than one. The one that stands out to me, for the sake of this post, is that Obama has inspired people to feel empowered. This video of carved pumpkins shows that the timing and creativity of his campaign has worked. It has jump-started the life back into an emotionally battered nation. Regardless of how 

his policies will pan out, he has been a beacon of light in the political world for veteran and new voters alike. I think the fact that 'regular' people and artists alike are CREATING(!) because of this person, show the social climate in this pivotal point in our country's history. 

No, this isn't "gallery" art. But I can't help but smile while I watch it, knowing that so many people are so excited for change- enough so to want to CREATE because it.

What an exciting time to be living in Chicago!!

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